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British Dogs

Meet Daisy

After spending her whole childhood wishing for a dog, Kate finally got Daisy, and she’s brought nothing but love into her life

For my whole life, I wanted a dog but, despite my protests, my parents never gave in. When I went to visit Daisy, the first thing she did was climb onto me and steal my keys. The breeder and I spent ages trying to get them off her but, being the cheeky madam she is, she was not giving in! In that moment I knew the little monster was mine.

I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t fallen for her charm

Daisy is the most loving dog, although she does have an independent streak. She absolutely loves other people – I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t fallen for her charm. When I worked in a girl’s boarding house with children from across the world, she was a lot better at soothing them when they were sad than I was.

Daisy has no dramatic story. She doesn’t know many tricks and she isn’t the most obedient (unless very good treats are on offer!) but I love her to pieces and can’t imagine life without her.

Meet Lola

After being told that Lola would be too difficult to train, Alannah proved everyone wrong by transforming her into a fully qualified performer

I adopted Lola nine years ago. She was rescued from an Irish puppy farm. Now, she is 11/12 and I adore her.

When I was meeting with the adoption charity, they said I wouldn’t be able to do much with her as she was a beagle. But Lola is now more qualified than I am. She competed at flyball and currently holds the most points for a beagle in the UK. She has completed her Gold Kennel Club. She has certificates for scent detection, tracking and man trailing, but her best skills are tricks. She loves to perform!

She’s more qualified than I am

Lola is totally motivated by food. She will often tell me when she deserves a treat when we are out. She also loves to wrap up under the duvet and at least two blankets. She adores people, especially my dad. This can be embarrassing due to the noise she makes when she sees him, and afterwards she’ll wee with excitement.

Lola is awesome. She has supported me through so much and knows many of my secrets. My relationship broke down just before the pandemic and having Lola made things better.

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Meet Lavender

Lavender always puts students at ease when she sits in on Lauren’s school therapy sessions

I am a therapist working in a secondary school. Lavender has been working alongside me for a year, providing emotional support (in the form of cuddles, companionship and licks) to the teenagers that I see. It has been amazing seeing how transformative her presence is. Therapy can be very intense and daunting, and having Lavender in the room can be a real comfort for those who are finding it difficult for any number of reasons.

She is incredibly intelligent

At home, we enjoy lots of lovely walks and playtime together, where she can relax and have fun. She is incredibly intelligent, and we love to learn new tricks. Lavender is very food motivated (typical Lab!) and loves to sit by me when I’m preparing dinner in the hopes that some carrot or courgette will find their way to her.

She is precious to me, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. She has had such a wonderful impact on so many people just by being her silly, loving and affectionate self.

Meet Ozzy Dawg

Donna is so proud of how Ozzy Dawg looks out for everyone, particularly her son Alfie

Ozzy Dawg is best friends with my seven-year-old son, Alfie. We’ve been puppy parents for Hounds for Heroes over the years and have looked afterthree pups so far. Ozzy Dawg has taken each one under his watchful command and taught them how to behave in the woods and park.

Ozzy Dawg has taken each one under his watchful command

He also keeps Alife safe too, looking out for him and making sure he’s ok. They have a very special bond!

Meet Captain

10 days was all it took for the ultimate friendship to blossom between Captain and his owner Danny

I looked after Captain for 10 days while my friend went on holiday, and within those 10 days we built such a great friendship, in the park playing ball, taking pictures.

He was more of a kitchen dog and stayed in the hallway at my friend’s, but I had him on my lap, sleeping next to me in my bed with loads of cuddles. When my friend came back and I had to give my new best friend back, I was in bits crying like a baby. That night I felt so lonely and sad. I missed the little man so much, the next day at work I had to ask how Captain was. “He’s OK but seems a tad sad,” they said.

Apparently he started to whine and howl a lot and would not get out of his bed – he was heartbroken. The following day my friend approached me and said “would you like to have Captain back for good?” Now at this time captain was 11 years old, but those 10 days changed his life. It was a dream come true: “yes yes yes I want him!”

I had to wait two days before I could collect him. The days dragged but Sunday finally came. I was so excited I couldn’t wait to get him, and when he saw me he came running and jumping at me. He could not wait to come back. He’s now 16 and won’t leave my side, cuddles me all the time, and he actually smiles in his sleep. He changed my life so much, he’s my best most loyal friend. He helps with my mental health and gives me a reason to make my life better!

He actually smiles in his sleep

Meet Gizmo

Christina wasn’t a big fan of dogs until she met Gizmo – now, she’s truly besotted!

Before getting my pup, Gizmo, I never really understood the whole dog thing. I wondered why are people so obsessed with their pets?

This completely changed when I met Gizmo. She’s my baby, my precious little puppy and my sweet, never-does-a-thing-wrong-in-her-life angel.

I love her with all my heart

If I could carry her around in a baby carrier on my chest, I would (without embarrassment or hesitation!). In fact, I have more than two thousand photos of her on my phone, and I spend more money on her diet and healthcare needs than I do my own.

I pull myself out of bed come rain or shine to take her for a walk each day. She gives me purpose, she makes me happy, and I love her with all my heart!

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