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British Dogs

Meet Cookie

With his lively personality, Cookie makes Gemma's family laugh and smile every day

Cookie has completely changed our lives for the better.

We welcomed him into our family in September as we have a son with some additional needs and a very anxious daughter. We felt that Cookie would be a positive addition to the family, but I never could’ve predicted how much of a difference he would make!

He’s made such a difference

My son who was dependent on his pushchair now walks everywhere and Cookie knows how to make us all smile and laugh on a daily basis. He is very cheeky, but you can’t help but forgive him, particularly when he’s constantly got a waggy tail!

Meet Mickey

With non-stop kisses, it’s no surprise that Claire has given Mickey the nickname ‘Licky Mickey’!

Mickey is my sons’ best friend. As teenage boys go, that dog certainly gets his fair share of cuddles and kisses off them!

If any of us feel down, sick or just want to have a cuddle, then Mickey is there. Mickey is the best companion to all of us and he is not happy unless he is sat with – or on top of – someone.

He just loves to share his love!

He has a soft caring nature and always wants a kiss. I'll admit his nickname is ‘Lickey Mickey’ because we get non-stop kisses from him. He just loves to share his love!

Let's just say, Mickey also likes the finest thing in life as you can see in his picture!

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Meet Ivy

Ivy has helped Izzy love life again, whether it’s taking on new adventures or simply cuddling up in bed

Ivy in nature is a wild plant that winds its way, gripping onto surfaces it comes into contact with. My Ivy dog is dependable and perseverant, always beside me on my journey, entangled in each other’s lives just like the plant.

Arriving when I had lost all hope, in the depths of mental illness crisis, her dependable companionship provided me with the reassurance and safety I was so desperately seeking. She has helped me feel grounded through continued distress from mental ill health, a constant physical reminder that she needs me.

Sitting cosy in bed sharing some marmalade on toast before we start the day is one of her favourites

She looks back up at me constantly checking in, a calming influence. She aided my return, and her introduction to being active, living and loving outdoor adventures. Biking, paddling, walking, climbing, she’ll go where I go and I feel I’ve lost something when she’s not there. We look out for one another, swimming rapids to help each other.

Having PTSD often means that nights can be filled with colourful lifelike dreams. Ivy sleeps touching me, often a nose or paw in the face as she wriggles to be comfy. Her presence and understanding comforts me. We share many special moments but sitting cosy in bed sharing some marmalade on toast before we start the day is one of her favourites.

She not only helps me but is a companion and presence within a special needs school that we work at together. Ivy is just 16 months of age, but her maturity keeps her steady in temperament and character. I look forward to many more adventures together in the future.

Meet Gizmo

Christina wasn’t a big fan of dogs until she met Gizmo – now, she’s truly besotted!

Before getting my pup, Gizmo, I never really understood the whole dog thing. I wondered why are people so obsessed with their pets?

This completely changed when I met Gizmo. She’s my baby, my precious little puppy and my sweet, never-does-a-thing-wrong-in-her-life angel.

I love her with all my heart

If I could carry her around in a baby carrier on my chest, I would (without embarrassment or hesitation!). In fact, I have more than two thousand photos of her on my phone, and I spend more money on her diet and healthcare needs than I do my own.

I pull myself out of bed come rain or shine to take her for a walk each day. She gives me purpose, she makes me happy, and I love her with all my heart!

Meet Jasper

Jasper has been a loving and loyal friend to Ann during challenging times

I got Jasper at a very difficult point in my life. My mum had just passed away from cancer, I’d lost my old Labrador after 12 and a half years, and I was recovering from major spinal surgery, too.

During this time, Jasper was a breath of fresh air and gave me a reason to push onwards in life.

He’s the most beautiful little soul

I’ve since had a second spinal operation, and he’s become my carer of sorts. He picks up items for me when I can’t bend down, he gives the best snuggles when I need them, and he makes me smile every single day!

Jasper’s also helping me to walk again – giving me a reason to get up and go places, which has also helped me lose a considerable amount of weight.

He’s the most beautiful little soul and my life wouldn’t have been worth living without my best friend and companion. I love him more than anything in the world.

Meet Elsa

After the loss of her husband, rescuing and caring for Elsa gave Dawn the sense of purpose she needed

I got Elsa from a rescue centre in Doncaster. I was so pleased, and it made me feel great that I’d rescued her. She was so thin, and her coat was all matted up. I was told that she was mistreated previously. As I’d lost my husband, she became a great comfort to me. I now had someone to go for walks with, and she had someone to love and get love from.

It made me feel great that I’d rescued her

In the beginning, she always followed me about and just wanted to be mine. She was shy, but I made her happy. I got her coat clipped and fed her up. She was looking good, and I felt great every time I saw her improvement – it made me smile. She gave me lots of love and she even made friends with my son’s cat! We quickly became firm friends, and she would bark at anyone who came near me.

One day, my son Ken said to me: “You have a rest and I’ll walk Elsa.” He put her lead on and she went to the door. But when he opened the door, she sat down and refused to move. As soon as I came over, she was up and out! Poor Ken, bless him. He did try a few more times but she gave him the same reaction. All in all, she has such a loving personality and brings me so much joy.

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