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British Dogs

Meet Chester

Sarah loves Chester for many reasons, from his joyful nature to his adorable love for singing

Chester is more than just a pet; he's a constant source of joy and positivity in my life. His gentle nature and boundless energy bring warmth to every room he enters. No matter how tough a day has been, his wagging tail and eager eyes are enough to lift my spirits.

Perhaps one of the quirkiest and most delightful things about him is his love for music, particularly when I play the harmonica. The moment he hears the first note, he can’t help but join in, singing along with the tune. His ‘singing’ is a mix of howls and soft barks, perfectly timed with the melody. It’s as if he’s pouring his heart into the song, adding his own unique voice to the music.

His ‘singing’ is a mix of howls and soft barks, perfectly timed with the melody

Chester’s presence is incredibly calming. On stressful days, just sitting next to him and stroking his fur is enough to bring me a sense of peace and grounding. He seems to instinctively know when I need comfort, often resting his head on my lap and looking up with those understanding eyes.

In many ways, he is a role model. His capacity to love unconditionally, his zest for life, and his ability to find joy in the simplest things are qualities I strive to emulate. He has taught me the value of patience, the importance of living in the moment, and the power of a positive outlook.

Meet Wookie

Elissa’s dog Wookie may be small but, she’s bursting with energy!

Our little Yorkie, Wookie, is the light of our lives. Neither of us had ever had a small dog before, and she has been amazing since the day she came home. Wookie is bold, intelligent, and will walk miles whatever the weather. Even as a tiny, eight-week-old ball of fluff, she immediately wanted to play with our three big cats.

Wookie is truly indefatigable

She will happily wade through the mud or jump into cold water for a swim.Once, she tried to climb a tree to go after a squirrel, and she’s even chased a Muntjac deer – although what she thought would happen if she caught it, I don't know!

Wookie truly is indefatigable. I remember when we went to Mortimer Forest for the day. We walked 11 miles, and when we got home Wookie immediately picked up her ball and wanted to play!

She fills our hearts with happiness every day, and there is nothing better than rambling through the woods with her, watching her sniff, explore andrummage through the hedgerows. It was such a joy to be able to include her in our wedding, back in 2001. She was our ring bearer, and she stole the hearts of everyone there.

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Meet Luther

Not only is Luther doted on by Julie, but he’s also a big hit with everyone else he meets

Luther is a rescue Miniature Poodle.

When I lost my last dog, I found myself in a really dark place. Then, Luther came along and brightened up my life again! We’re a match made in heaven, and he makes me laugh every day.

We’re soulmates – I can’t imagine life without him

We live in a small village and when we’re out and about, everyone stops to talk to Luther. If he wants to visit the neighbours, he goes and knocks on the door until they answer it.

One of his favourite things is to steal the mail out of the letter box and hide it. He’s laid back, funny, friendly (he loves everybody and everything) and he’s very cheeky, too.

I love him to the moon and back. We’re soulmates – I can’t imagine life without him.

Meet Thelma

With Thelma by her side, Debbie can accomplish anything

Thelma is the happiest, most caring canine. She's training to be my assistance dog and is doing amazingly. When I’m out, she alerts me if I’m having a panic attack.

I wouldn’t be where I am now without her

We've had her since she was a crazy puppy, back when she loved nothing more than bouncing off the sofa. With all her training, she's become muchcalmer, and always helps everyone we meet.

When we’re out, Thelma takes her working life very seriously, but she still has a silly side. She’s always zooming around the garden and is obsessed with food. I wouldn’t be where I am now without her. She’s my rock.

Meet Millie

Mille will do anything to help owner Claire’s elderly parents

Millie is a 13-year-old Border terrier who looks after my elderly parents. You can see that she really cares about them. Every morning, she gets up and goes into their bedroom to check they they’re ok. When she goes on awalk with them, she never walks too fast because she knows they can’t keep up

She really cares about them

Once, my dad collapsed in the living room, and Millie lay by his side and would not move until the ambulance came. We basically had to force her to step aside, and once he’d been taken away, she became very sad and lay in her bed until he arrived back home. She didn’t perk up until he came back home, when she became so excited and happy again.

Meet Gimli

Since Rosie’s children have left home, Gimli has filled the gap they left with lots of laughs and constant support

Gimli is our sixth rehomed dog, and has been with us nearly five years. He's a joy. He loves humans and always invites them to tickle his ears. He also loves playing with the dogs he sees regularly on his walks.

His dedication to sniffing when he's outside always reminds us of a reader with a very good book. My husband now calls his walks ‘going to the library’.

Gimli stops us being empty nesters

Gimli’s my constant companion. When I fractured my femur last June, we had to wait 10.5 hours for an ambulance. For all that time, he sat quietly and supportively by my side, near the fracture. When the ambulance team came, he welcomed them and stood back quietly as they manoeuvred me onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.

Our children have flown the nest now to have their own lives (rightly so), but Gimli stops us being empty nesters. He fills the house with fun and welcomes all the affection we used to give the children with genial appreciation.

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