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British Dogs

Meet Cheese

Defying the odds that were stacked against him, Cheese learnt how to walk again after an unfortunate diagnosis

We’ve had Cheese for just a few months. We got him from a rescue shelter where overnight he became completely paralysed in his back legs.

He’s such a fighter

We discovered that a disc had moved out of place in his spine, and we didn’t know if he’d ever walk again. However, after a few months of physio and a big operation, he learned to walk again, which is amazing! He’s a bit rickety but such a fighter.

Cheese is such an incredible dog, and we are so proud of him!

Meet Lulu

Dani is incredibly grateful for the endless companionship and unconditional love that Lulu offers her

Lulu the Springer Spaniel is very special to me. She was born three days before Christmas in 2015, and has been my very own guardian angel ever since. As my four-legged best friend, she’s always managed to keep my spirits high, even at the very hardest of times.

A bit of a mischief-maker

She loves her squeaky duck toys, cuddles and running around the fields near our home. She’s also a bit of a mischief-maker and is always looking for a dirty puddle run through! Lulu gets everything she wants and even has her very own spot on the living room sofa.

Back when I had my horse, she would come to the stables with me to ‘help’ me do jobs and run alongside me as I rode. Sadly, I lost my horse unexpectedly, but Lulu was there to help me through my grief every step of the way. She is a loyal, caring dog who is truly one-of-a-kind and a huge part of my life.

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Meet Marley

Lucienne has watched her dog Marley grow from a timid pup into a happy-go-lucky dog, and she couldn’t be prouder.

Marley came into our lives at five months old, as a sensitive but funny pup. He didn't like loud noises and eventually stopped going out for walks in the evening as he was scared of fireworks, and associated them with the dark.

He is a big tail wager, and developed 'Happy Tail Syndrome.' After the third bout, his tail was amputated but this hasn’t stopped him wagging what he has left.

A wonderful, gentle soul

Marley is a wonderful, gentle soul and is the most patient pal to our two children. We now live in the countryside, which means all his fears are easing. He loves his walks and snuggles on the sofa, and apples are his favourite treat.

He truly is a beautiful boy, greying around the face and getting slower over the last few years, but such an important member of our family!

Meet Bea

No matter what life throws at them, Carol and her dog Bea know that they can get through it together.

Me and my best friend Bea have supported, and in some ways saved, each other in the four years since we met at a local rehoming centre. Bea came to me after being picked up on a motorway, having been hit by a vehicle. After six months of rehabilitation, which saw her learn to use her leg again after losing around 4cm of bone, she was on the road to recovery.

Bea gave me purpose to continue

It was during this time that a life-changing event happened in my life – one that brought me great loss and grieving. If it wasn’t for the love of my girl Bea, I would have struggled to carry on, but to know that she was there and needed my help, gave me purpose to continue. I saved her, so in turn she saved me. I couldn’t ask for a more loyal and loving companion.

Meet Alfie

Alfie likes to keep his owner Jemima on her toes!

Alfie is a cheeky chappy who is only 12 weeks old. He adds so much value to my life. I’m a nurse, and after a tough day of treating Covid patients, he never fails to greet me at the door with a tail wag.

He adds so much value to my life

On my days off, I take Alfie on outings. Our most recent one was to a pet shop, where he walked out with a toy in his mouth. Luckily, I quickly realised and paid for it!

His love of water must be because he’s a cockapoo. He splashes his paws in his water bowl, digging to get to the bottom, and has recently taken his water obsession even further by climbing into the shower with me!

Meet Bea

Mandy enjoys endless adventures with her canine companion, Bea

Bea is my best friend. We go practically everywhere together and are quite well known in my neighbourhood. Her favourite things are food, affection, her cuddly bumble bee toy and riding in the back of my vintage American ‘Woody’ truck.

She’s a diva with the sweetest heart

Bea also loves the camera and has appeared in a couple of UK TV commercials – she thrives on the attention! She’s a diva with the sweetestheart and we are truly inseparable.

Having travelled extensively together, Bea is a total globetrotter, but we have now been happily settled in London for the past eight years. Here’s to many more years of love and fun with my best buddy.

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