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British Dogs

Meet Cheese

Defying the odds that were stacked against him, Cheese learnt how to walk again after an unfortunate diagnosis

We’ve had Cheese for just a few months. We got him from a rescue shelter where overnight he became completely paralysed in his back legs.

He’s such a fighter

We discovered that a disc had moved out of place in his spine, and we didn’t know if he’d ever walk again. However, after a few months of physio and a big operation, he learned to walk again, which is amazing! He’s a bit rickety but such a fighter.

Cheese is such an incredible dog, and we are so proud of him!

Meet Lucia

Lucia makes every day brighter for Holly, whether she’s making her laugh or comforting her baby daughter

Lucia makes us laugh every day – she’s an entertainer with such a unique personality. She’s even learned to ring a bell! She’s cheeky but also so loving, greeting anyone she meets with a wholehearted cuddle.

We welcomed a daughter last year and Lucia loves her. She’ll lick the baby’s feet and try to comfort her when she’s crying. She loves all people and dogs and thoroughly enjoys going anywhere.

We are always having to stop on walks for Lucia’s meet and greets with the public. We really would be lost without her and she’s a very big part of our family.

She makes us laugh every day

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Meet Wolfgang

Ever since settling in with owner Kerri, Wolfgang hasn’t let blindness stop him living life to the fullest

Wolfgang came to us as he was born blind with no eyes. When we first got him, he was very timid – wouldn’t walk, eat or play. But by the second day he was running and playing like a normal puppy.

He doesn’t let his disability stop him in any way

He doesn’t let his disability stop him in any way and likes to play with his toys and our other two dogs. He’s come on great in the five weeks we’ve had him, going from 0.9kg to nearly 2kg! He is looking forward to experiencing his first Christmas and getting to play with all the wrapping paper.

Meet Alfie Bow

Alfie may be small, but he has a big personality and always puts a smile on people’s face!

Alfie is a Shih Tzu. Before I got him, he was abused as a puppy and was sadly left with spinal damage. This means he struggles to walk any distance and suffers from a limp – but it just makes me love him all the more.

Alfie loves life, cats and meeting new people, especially children. He travels around in his pram like a prince in his golden carriage!

He’s like a prince in his golden carriage!

I’m disabled myself and in pain most days, but he gives me a reason to get up and get out no matter how I’m feeling. I love the way he puts a smile on people’s faces when they see him. Alfie is so cute that everyone always notices my brave little star. He’s proved that you don’t have to be Marilyn Monroe to stop traffic!

Meet Bailey

Despite everything he’s been through, Bailey will always be able to make owner Serena laugh

Bailey is the most amazing little best friend. He is a very cheeky chap and very quirky indeed. He has the craziest fun personality.

He has defied the odds and been a little hero

He has a heart murmur, has had 18 teeth pulled in one op and only last year decided to swallow a fisherman's hook, bait and line. But he has defied all odds and been the little hero throughout. He is also very talented and has a party piece of ringing the service bell for a treat. He makes us laugh, makes us smile but most of all he is full of endless love.

Meet Mia

When Karen first got Mia, she had to keep her a secret – but Mia quickly became an important and prominent member of the family.

Mia is a black Staffordshire Bull Terrier. She has short legs and a little white patch on her chest. I first brought her home on a cold night about five years ago, when she was just seven weeks old.

Initially, I had to hide her because my husband was against getting another dog after losing our Yorkshire Terrier. For four days she lived in my daughter’s bedroom, sneaking out for cuddles when my husband was out. If he heard her make any noises during the night, we’d have to tell him he was just dreaming!

She has helped me to cope

One day, I went to get her to take her to the vets for her booster jab. She shot out of the door, down the stairs and bounced straight onto the sofa and sat down next to my husband! I was busted, but Mia quickly won his heart and became a member of the household.

Mia has such a great personality. Some of her favourite hobbies include stealing Brussels Sprouts from the veg rack, chasing birds and enjoying treats. She sleeps beside us every night in her basket, and every year we celebrate her birthday with a doggy cake and her friends.

She’s such an important dog to me because she helped me to cope after lost my brother. She knows when I’m sad and will give me lots of cuddles and kisses. I truly believe Mia was sent to me for a reason.

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