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British Dogs

Meet Chance

Eleven months ago, Chance and his siblings were found abandoned in a park, but the love and care of Lauren and her colleagues has transformed him into a happy, healthy pup!

Chance was found in a park with his four litter mates at just a day old. They were dumped in a cardboard box and left for dead!

A lovely member of the public brought them in to the vets where I work, and the whole team rallied together to hand-rear the five puppies. This involved lots of feeds, throughout the day and night, whilst also doing our jobs.

He was found in a park with his four litter mates at just a day old

It was touch and go as to whether they would survive or grow into normal dogs as they didn’t have the influence of their mum, who would normally teach them a lot of life lessons.

But Chance is 11 months old now and he’s absolutely huge. He’s coming on so well with his training! He has lots of little quirks, like he has to bring something to show you when he greets you. He LOVES people and dogs, especially children, and he knows quite a few party tricks, including ‘commando’ where he crawls along the floor like an army man.

Meet Vincent

Emma’s dog Vincent is a caring companion to all creatures great and small!

Vincent is a Kelpie Hunteraway cross. He’s extremely loving and is always happy to meet new people, even if he does put them off with his barking! He enjoys singing too, and will happily howl along to any tune he hears on TV. He may not be the most talented, but he certainly makes up for it with his determination and the joy he brings us all.

He has many jobs around the house, his latest of which is to keep an eye on our pet rabbits. Vincent reminds us to let them out first thing in the morning, and won’t stop pestering us until we do. You can often find him keeping a watchful eye over them throughout the day.

He happily goes off to fetch any strays

Another of his responsibilities is to round up the chickens and put them to bed in the evening, and he takes this very seriously. He happily goes off to fetch any strays, and sometimes even brings his feathered friends into the house to say hello!

His main job is just to be himself and be a part of our family. He’s been there with us through some difficult times over the past couple of years, and is always there for a hug and a stroke, which will never fail to put a smile back on your face.

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Meet Alfred and Julia

Julia loves Alfie for many reasons, but she’s particularly proud of how he looks after her daughter, Jessamy.

Alfred is adored by our whole family, but he’s a real support dog to our eldest daughter Jessamy, who is a young adult with Autism. He seems to intuitively sense how she’s feeling, and always responds accordingly. He’s always so fun and loves to play with her – he even acts as her personal trainer, getting her to enjoy spending time outdoors.

He seems to intuitively sense how she’s feeling

He loves to sit on sofas and chairs and when we are at the table for a family meal, he thinks that he too should be given a seat, just so he can sit with us! We couldn’t ask for a more loyal and loving companion.

Meet Norma and Cara

Norma and her dog Cara don’t let anything stop them from enjoying all that life has to offer.

Cara might be an elderly lady, but she still likes to play, especially with a tennis ball or two. Though, now if you throw one for her to chase, she’ll give you a look that says ‘I am 11 you know!’.

She enjoys a good cuddle and during these unsettled and sometimes lonely times, has been a much-needed companion. Cara also has free run of the house. She sleeps wherever she wants, sometimes being generous enough to allow me to share the bed or the sofa with her!

She can be vocal enough to get her point across!

As I live alone, her company is both a source of comfort and a welcome distraction. Her conversation skills may be lacking but believe me when I say she can be vocal enough to get her point across!

In short, I would not be without her. Even on those dark, wet and windy days when non-dog owners are cuddled up on their sofas, this old lady (I’m 77 years old) is glad to toddle down the road with her fellow old girl.

Meet Juno

Lee couldn’t be without his assistance dog, Juno, who’s as loving andloyal as they come

This is Juno, my husband, Lee's, Hearing Assistance Dog. Lee became Deaf at a young age. He has had many difficulties throughout his life, struggling with things most of us take for granted. When Juno came along two years ago, she changed his world forever.

She changed his world

She was given to us by Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and is trained to help in so many ways. Juno can alert Lee to the doorbell, alarm clock and the smoke alarm amongst other things. She's also a fantastic emotional support and such a loving dog. Of course, that’s not to say she doesn’t have a cheeky side – Juno has a particular fondness for stealing socks and underwear!

When she's not working, she enjoys cuddles and playtime with her favourite tennis ball. We love Juno and would be so lost without her in our lives.

Meet Ruby

When Rosemary discovered Ruby had helped to save her puppies, she knew she was the dog for her

Ruby was a rescue dog from Zakynthos, Greece. She ran out in front of a tourist’s car in the mountains in August this year. Thankfully they stopped, and she led them to a cave where she had five puppies that were about four weeks old. The tourist contacted the local rescue centre who took Ruby and her puppies in. I saw her profile on Facebook and immediately fell in love with her. I applied to adopt her, and she was transported to the UK in October.

Her pups wouldn’t have survived if she hadn’t taken action

We’re not sure of her exact age, but the vets have aged her at between one and two years. She is the most lovable dog ever with a fantastic temperament. When I picked her up, she just jumped into my arms, like she knew she was home. I'm forever grateful to the Healing Paws charity for allowing me to adopt her. All of her pups are now also in England and I am in touch with the owners. She had beautiful pups who no doubt would never have survived if she hadn’t taken action when she did.

She has been named after one of her rescuers, who I also keep in touch with. Ruby has changed my life with her lovable ways. She loves her walks and, after having a hip replacement last Christmas Eve, has enabled me to get out as well. My hubby didn't want a dog, but he is so besotted with her now!

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