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British Dogs

Meet Billy

Billy was a scaredy cat when he first met his owner Rachel, but now he’s gone through a complete transformation

We rescued Billy when he was seven months old and were already his third owners.

Due to being kept in a cage, he smelled pretty bad when we first met him. But now, he’s gone from being frightened of everything (even the wind!) to being a lovely, funny and confident little boy who brings us great pleasure.

Who needs slippers?

He’s such a clever little thing and he’s a delight to train. In fact, he can do lots of tricks! I love nothing more than settling down for the evening with him lying on my feet, because who needs slippers?

This picture is one of my favourites. Here, he’s just had a good brushing and his ears are full of static!

Meet Nim

Katie know Nim was the dog for her when she was only a four-week-old pup, and since then she’s only continued to prove her right

Nim has only been in my life for 11 months, but I met her on the day she was born. And when she tried to drink some of my gin at four weeks old, I knew that was it – we were best friends for life.

She is the happiest and most trusting little spaniel. She loves a beach walk and digging holes, often barking and growling as she digs as she gets cross when the sand falls back in! She also loves an open field where she leaps like a gazelle through long grass.

My life has never felt more fulfilled

She adores all of the people in her life, and she likes to round everyone up and keep them together. When visiting my mum and dad (her grandparents), she won’t settle down to relax until we’re all squashed onto the same sofa. Otherwise, she spends all night swapping from seat to seat and glaring at whoever dares to sit elsewhere.

She is consistently the reason I get up in the morning, and the reason I travel around the country to visit beautiful places that I think she deserves to see. I work very hard to provide the life for her that she deserves, and my life has never felt more fulfilled than it has since the day she came home.

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Meet Lexi

Katie sings the praises of her Labrador Retriever, social media sensation Lexi

Lexi is truly my soul dog. I’ve been wanting a dog for more than 10 years, and when I finally got Lexi a year ago, my whole life changed.

She’s the most perfect good girl around!

She’s smart, funny, absolutely adorable, and just the most perfect good girl around! She’s well known on Instagram for her cute head tilts. Since she was a small puppy, she has always listened very intently and tilted her head with every word.

Check her out on Instagram @livinlavitalexi.

Meet Buddy

Laura couldn’t wait to get her first dog, and as soon as she saw Buddy she knew it was meant to be.

Earlier this year my partner and I moved into our own home, and I couldn’t wait to rescue a furry friend to join us. I am a massive dog lover and was never allowed one as a child. We searched local dog homes for months to no avail, the dogs were always reserved. I was then informed about a charity which rescues street dogs from Cyprus. The first picture I saw on their Facebook page was Buddy! It was love at first sight – his eyes just capture your heart.

His eyes just capture your heart

When he arrived in the UK he was very nervous, but such a sweetie who just wanted to be loved. A few months down the line and I couldn’t imagine life without him! He is my best friend, making each day brighter. You would never know he had a hard start to life. He’s so friendly and gentle (he’s never even barked) and makes friends wherever he goes! He also loves going on adventures, especially the beach.

Meet Dexter

Dexter has perked up Elaine’s home life with his cheeky grin and outdoor escapades.

After losing my previous Labrador after 13 and a half years, life was far too quiet. Enter Dexter to shake it up again – a loveable, cheeky, friendly puppy who’s now seven months old now. He's very loyal, loves to please and will do anything for a hot dog sausage. He loves to play ball, chase the birds, collect sticks and run in the fields. Then its home for a bath and some chill out time on his sun lounger. With Dexter, life is now rich again and far from quiet!

With Dexter, life is rich again and far from quiet!

Meet Rocco

When Bill and his wife were ready to start a new chapter, Rocco made it his mission to make sure it was full of fun

My wife and I were approaching our fifties and had decided it was the perfect time to get a dog. After a lot of research, we found Rocco. He looks like a Labrador who has the white spots of a Springer plus the tail of a Husky – and the energy of all three!

Bump the chair with his bottom

We’ve become a lot more mobile thanks to Rocco and his antics. If I’m relaxing in my recliner and he wants to play, Rocco will walk past and bump the chair with his bottom. He won’t stop until I give him attention! If, for some reason, we haven’t given Rocco enough of a walk, he’ll start going crazy at about 10pm to let us know he needs some more exercise. He’ll even grab his toys and dismantle his bed to get your attention.

Our fifties are full of activity and adventure, and it’s all thanks to Rocco.

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