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British Dogs

Meet Bertie

In the face of grief, Bertie has brought light to owner Dave and his wife’s life

Bertie has been the gift of life for my wife and I after we lost our baby daughter at only two weeks old.

Thank you, Bertie

The dark days are brighter with Bertie, and he shows love like no other can. He makes my wife smile again, which I never thought possible after the dreadful time we went through.

Thank you, Bertie. You're a furry angel in disguise.

Meet Dolly

Dolly has come a long way to find her forever home with owner, Caroline

Dolly is a rescue dog from Merlin's Haven Rescue in Cyprus. I got her in 2020, at a time when my mental health wasn’t great, as my boyfriend had suddenly passed away.

His dad gave me some money from his pension, and since he was a lover of dogs and always tried to help the homeless, rescuing a stray dog seemed like a good way of spending it.

She’s such a lovely dog

When Dolly first arrived, she was very timid and nervous after giving birth to two litters of puppies. It took a long time for her to settle in, but she’s such a lovely dog and has given me a reason to get up in the mornings.

I spend most Saturdays on long country walks with her and my friend (sometimes my teenage daughter, too – if she's out of bed!). Dolly is now a Velcro dog, and very rarely lets me out of her sight. She’s very relaxed for most of the day, but loves walkies and squirrel chasing!

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Meet Dru

Even when Alyson’s illness stopped her from going outside, she was never truly alone thanks to Dru

Dru was a rescue dog. Like so many, she had a sad beginning and was frightened of the world around her. It took her a while to trust us, and she still will only eat if we are with her, so she feels safe.

In 2019, I became very unwell and Dru changed. She was a lot more cuddly and spent a lot of time with me, even though she usually prefers the men in the house. It turned out I was VERY ill. So, just before the world went into lockdown, I had to have a kidney removed and a course of treatment for cancer.

I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose

I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere as I was so unwell and vulnerable, and no one else could come in. I spent so much time indoors, only seeing outside through windows. But Dru never left my side, except for her twice daily walks and the odd wee break, or to bark at anyone that seemed to come too near her mum. I suffered badly both physically and mentally but bit by bit I got stronger, largely thanks to my husband and my girl Dru.

When I was allowed out, I didn't want to leave as I'd been shut away for so long. One day Dru was getting ready for her walk with my husband, and he said, ‘should we take mum?’ Dru ran up to me and sat down unmoving, waiting for me. It was only a small walk, but it was as much a part of my recovery as any medication.

We all know how wonderful dogs are, but sometimes I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose.

Meet Dougie

Dougie is the dog that Carol has always wanted, and together, they have endless adventures and hours of fun

I’d wanted a puppy for as long as I could remember, but it was never the right time for me to get one. Then one day, Dougie the rescue dog bounded into my life, and the rest is history.

He was actually six years old when I first met him, but his playful nature made it feel as though he was a lot younger. He really is a dream, because I get to enjoy all the good parts about having an energetic dog, without the work of looking after a young puppy!

It’s been so lovely to watch how happy he’s become

Dougie was pretty stressed when we first brought him home, but he’s settled in well over time. He had never been taken out much before, and so we got to do a lot of ‘firsts’ with him. So far, we’ve taken him to the beach, the river, on holiday and even on a boat. It’s been so lovely to watch how happy he’s become.

His favourite place is by far the beach. He enjoys nothing more than rolling around in the sand, so much so that we’ve even got him his own sandpit to play in at home. He’s not so sure about water and tends to sit and bark at the sea – though I think he’s making progress, and I’m sure that soon he’ll want to splash around and go for a paddle.

Meet Diesel

Maggie is always amazed at how empathetic her dog Diesel is, as he always knows when she’s feeling down, and how to cheer her up.

Diesel is the best dog ever. A few years back, I was really suffering with depression. On one particularly bad day I was in the house on my own feeling very low, and he noticed this and would not leave my side. He has always picked up when I don't feel well physically or mentally, and will never leave my side. It’s like he has to keep an eye on me!

He loves everyone he meets, always throwing himself on the floor at people’s feet. Whenever we go out he always has to have two tennis balls, as he won’t give the ball back unless he has another one to hold!

Will never leave my side

He knows his toys by the name, of "MyMine", which was started when he was a puppy and has just stuck. As soon as we say ‘go get your "MyMine"’ he will run off and come back with something, but it won't always be a toy – sometimes he’ll run off and then come back all excited with nothing in his mouth at all, just what looks like a huge grin!

Our neighbours will often give him a biscuit over the fence, and as soon as he hears them outside, he climbs into one of the flowerpots to make himself taller to make sure they see him. He is caring, loving and a bundle of fun, and everyone that meets him loves him.

Meet Ferdie

Not only has Ferdie been a constant support for Clair for many years, but he’s also helped her foster a range of other animals

Ferdie is a very gentle whippet who has helped foster puppies, cats and guinea pigs over the years. He has always been so kind, especially to cats. When a new foster kitten or cat gets introduced to Ferdie, he lets them get used to him in their own time. He doesn’t mind whether they want to leap on him and hold onto his neck, or just cuddle him.

His best friend is Otto – an abused cat who finds people really scary. Otto isn’t good at sitting with other cats, but he loves Ferdie and they often sit in an arm chair together. Ferdie is also very gentle with my guinea pigs, and he’s even helped two puppies, who came from very challenging situations, as we got them ready for their forever home.

He’s helped foster puppies, cats and guinea pigs

In his spare time, Ferdie likes sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. He can regularly be found buried under a sofa throw, no matter how hot it is. He’s a great companion for me, and if I’m upset, he starts whining because he knows I’m struggling. Then when I lose something, he’s always by my side trying to help me find it.

Ferdie is starting to slow down now and I’m having to deal with the realisation that he may not be here much longer. I don’t think I’ll ever meet another dog like him – he’s a dog in a million.

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