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British Dogs

Meet Bella

Diane has written a poem for her beautiful beagle, Bella

Bella the beagle is a happy soul, eating and sleeping is her main goal.

From first thing in the morning to last thing at night, her beautiful nature is a wonderful sight.

Our love knows no end

If you’re down or sad she’ll be right there, showing you that she’s full of care.

Don’t be fooled by the innocent face, she can scoff chicken meat at a rapid pace.

A perfect pet, our wonderful friend, Our love for Bella knows no end.

Meet Swizzle

Swizzle is a bundle of laughs, and Grace is very grateful to have him in her life

Swizzle is our miniature black and tan Dachshund. He’s changed our lives for the better in so many different ways, like helping to keep us active. One of our favourite things to do now is go for a long walk, and without Swizzle, we would never have discovered some of the nature trails or beautiful sites in our local area.

Having Swizzle also means we can’t be picky – we have to go for a walk come rain or shine. Getting outside no matter what has helped to improve our mental health, especially in these difficult times we’re all facing.

He’s changed our lives for the better

Swizzle makes us laugh everyday with his unique quirks. He always comes to sleep in our bed, but he doesn’t just curl up at the end – no, he lies with his head on the pillow, flat on his back, just like a human.

Like a typical Dachshund, he loves to bark out the window at other dogs passing by, and he gets particularly excited if he sees one that looks like him. We’re sure he thinks he owns the street outside our house!

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Meet Rocky

Rocky the Corgi is a loyal companion to Helen’s sister, and has helped her thrive in more ways than one

Rocky is my sister’s Corgi. My sister has suffered with asthma and related illnesses for a long time. Sometimes, things get so bad she doesn’t even want to leave the house. Rocky has had a hugely positive impact on her life, as now she loves to go on numerous walks a day with him, even when she isn’t feeling her best.

Rocky is the friendliest dog I know and always has a smile on his face, which is returned by everyone who meets him. He’s so sociable that he’s made friends in the local park, which is great because it means my sister has too. The pair of them are quite well known in our local area.

He’s made friends in the local park

After 12 months, we finally taught him how to walk up the stairs, as his little legs are not the best for this. He has since gained confidence and is so cheeky he even jumps up on the sofa, for which my sister blames me! He likes to keep us on our toes, and once surprised my sister by hiding inside her bed – she only realised when she climbed in!

Rocky is wonderful company and I know my sister would not be without him.

Meet Dru

Even when Alyson’s illness stopped her from going outside, she was never truly alone thanks to Dru

Dru was a rescue dog. Like so many, she had a sad beginning and was frightened of the world around her. It took her a while to trust us, and she still will only eat if we are with her, so she feels safe.

In 2019, I became very unwell and Dru changed. She was a lot more cuddly and spent a lot of time with me, even though she usually prefers the men in the house. It turned out I was VERY ill. So, just before the world went into lockdown, I had to have a kidney removed and a course of treatment for cancer.

I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose

I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere as I was so unwell and vulnerable, and no one else could come in. I spent so much time indoors, only seeing outside through windows. But Dru never left my side, except for her twice daily walks and the odd wee break, or to bark at anyone that seemed to come too near her mum. I suffered badly both physically and mentally but bit by bit I got stronger, largely thanks to my husband and my girl Dru.

When I was allowed out, I didn't want to leave as I'd been shut away for so long. One day Dru was getting ready for her walk with my husband, and he said, ‘should we take mum?’ Dru ran up to me and sat down unmoving, waiting for me. It was only a small walk, but it was as much a part of my recovery as any medication.

We all know how wonderful dogs are, but sometimes I believe angels don't have wings, they have a tail and a wet nose.

Meet Daisy

Not only has Daisy made Ethel’s life better, but she’s now helping many more people in her local community

Daisy is a toy poodle, and a Dogs Trust girl. I adopted her in October 2020, when she was 11 months old. She hadn't had the best start in life, but since then, my shy little girl has blossomed into a beautiful, confident, intelligent little dog who just loves life.

Once she’d settled into her new life, we attended our local dog obedience classes and Daisy excelled herself, passing her beginners tests with ease. She was awarded her medal, rosette and a lovely crystal plaque for ‘Outstanding Achievement’ in December 2021. In the summer of 2022, she passed her outdoor training test, for which she also received a certificate. Daisy really enjoyed her classes and in December 2022, she passed her intermediate tests and again was awarded a medal and rosette.

Daisy was born to make people smile

One of Daisy's greatest loves is people, so we offered our services at a local adult day care centre, which caters for older folks who attend one or two days per week. They enjoy lunch and companionship in a lovely centre, which provides them with all sorts of entertainment. Most of the elderly visitors once had a pet in their lives but are now too frail to care for one.

They’ve really bonded with Daisy who’s very happy to visit, being the well-behaved young lady she is. She sits on their knees and enjoys cuddles. She was even invited to their Halloween and Christmas parties!

Sometimes the centre has entertainers and Daisy loves these events. At one of them, another day care centre had come along to enjoy the fun. And when they saw how much the elderly folks enjoyed petting Daisy, we were asked if we could visit their centre too. Daisy was born to make people smile, and she does exactly that with the members and staff at the centre.

Meet Keegan

After Keegan supported Julie through her own ill health, she knew he was the perfect candidate to become a qualified therapy dog

Keegan is a ten-year-old West Highland White Terrier. In 2017, I had to take ill health retirement after 38 years of working for the NHS. I felt worthless and on the scrap heap.

Later that year, I spoke to volunteers for Therapy Dogs Nationwide at a dog show. I just knew Keegan was the perfect therapy dog. When I was not well, he wouldn't leave my side. He always knows when I need an extra cuddle, and he sleeps with his head on mine.

Keegan has such a big heart and I wanted to share his love

Keegan has such a big heart and I wanted to share his love. I applied to get him assessed to be a therapy dog. Of course, he passed! Now, he goes into schools and helps reluctant readers and children with educational needs. Plus, he provides comfort to any child that may have gone through sad times or grief.

He also visits the children’s hospital and brings love and joy to both staff and patients. In fact, last year we got awarded a volunteer’s people’s medal for going above and beyond by supporting staff and patients during the pandemic. A lot of this was done via emails and videos because I got shielded.

Keegan makes me immensely proud and, by sharing his love, it makes me feel I am a worthwhile citizen again. He is simply the best friend ever!

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