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British Dogs

Meet Bear

Bear has taught his owner Trupti how to appreciate life’s simple pleasures

Bear was adopted in 2020 and became my ray of hope during the pandemic.

He’s my inspiration

He’s my inspiration for finding joy in the little things in life, too. For example, he loves rolling in freshly cut grass, jumping in puddles, running into the waves, soaking up the sun, digging holes and burying his favourite toys before forgetting about them.

He’s given me new meaning to the phrase ‘there’s nothing like the present’.

Meet Bruiser

Life hasn’t always been kind to Natasha, but Bruiser’s always there to comfort her when she’s having a hard time

We got Bruiser from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home in Windsor when he was just 13 weeks old. No one was quite sure what this little puppy had been through, but it must have been traumatic, as he was very timid. We knew as soon as we met him that he’d be coming home with us.

Bruiser is a very quirky dog as we don’t actually know what his breed is. We believe he’s a Lurcher cross, but we’re not sure what he’s crossed with! He has the long legs of a Lurcher, the ears of a Deerhound, the markings and colourings of a Jack Russell, and the stocky build of maybe a Staffy. He also runs as fast as a Whippet and has the temperament of a Labrador or Retriever.

He’s an oddball, just like our family!

He's definitely very unique, which we find quite amusing to be honest. He’s an oddball, just like our family! Bruiser has such a huge positive impact on all of us – he makes us laugh, gets us out for walks in the fresh air and takes us on adventures in new places.

Bruiser has also had a really positive impact on me, personally. I’ve always struggled with my mental health, throughout childhood and into adulthood. Bruiser has helped to calm me down when I am upset or stressed, and he always gives me something to live for and look forward to. There’s nothing better than his cuddles and his love.

Six years ago, I was diagnosed with a very rare illness and, although some people don’t believe it, I really feel that Bruiser can sense when I’m going to be unwell. He becomes very protective over the house and doesn’t leave my side until I feel better. He’s not a service dog so he can’t fetch medicines, but just having him with me makes me feel so much better.

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Meet Scooby

If Neville was ever in trouble, Scooby would break down any barrier to be by his side.

My dog Scooby is a cross between a Jack Russell and a Schnauzer. He’s now eight years old. When I and my now departed wife went to the farm with our daughter, he was the last puppy left all alone in a barn. He was just too lovable to be left on his own.

He was just too lovable

He is a very friendly boy and always looks for attention. I am 69 and currently in isolation with an underlying health condition. I had to go to the hospital at the end of March and the poor little soul didn’t know what was going on – he broke through the fence looking for me! My son-in-law went looking for him and I got a call from the person who had caught him. Luckily, I came home that night and we were reunited.

I also have a Husky (Mia), a kitten (Tommy) and a budgie (Clyde). They all get on with each other, which is a blessing in the current climate!

Meet Buddy

Laura couldn’t wait to get her first dog, and as soon as she saw Buddy she knew it was meant to be.

Earlier this year my partner and I moved into our own home, and I couldn’t wait to rescue a furry friend to join us. I am a massive dog lover and was never allowed one as a child. We searched local dog homes for months to no avail, the dogs were always reserved. I was then informed about a charity which rescues street dogs from Cyprus. The first picture I saw on their Facebook page was Buddy! It was love at first sight – his eyes just capture your heart.

His eyes just capture your heart

When he arrived in the UK he was very nervous, but such a sweetie who just wanted to be loved. A few months down the line and I couldn’t imagine life without him! He is my best friend, making each day brighter. You would never know he had a hard start to life. He’s so friendly and gentle (he’s never even barked) and makes friends wherever he goes! He also loves going on adventures, especially the beach.

Meet Taz

From helping her care for her children to supporting her through relationship breakdowns, Taz has been Lacey’s rock for 12 years

I bought my Border Collie Taz just after my eldest son was born. He was just eight weeks old, and a bundle of trouble! I was suffering with anxiety and depression, and my partner at the time worked nights which left me alone with a new baby. From day one, Taz just seemed to know that I needed him. He would go and look round the house when I got worried and lie quietly by my side when I had panic attacks.

As a ‘teen’ Taz became a handful. He was so cheeky, and very overprotective of me. We ended up going to obedience and agility classes which taught him how to be a helpful member of the household, while also bringing me out of my shell and allowing me to find myself again.

He has been my only constant for 12 years

Over the years, he has helped look after me through four pregnancies. He learnt to help me up from the floor when I was too big to do it myself. When my babies were born, he would fetch wet wipes and toys. He was my rock through a divorce and a very nasty breakup, and even though he isn’t a big fan of hugs, when I’m upset he lets me cry into his fur. He has been my only constant for 12 years.

We have a cup of tea together every morning (he loves a decaf with oat milk in his very own mug), and he sleeps on the end of my bed. He is slowing down now, and we have a new puppy, Bruce, who Taz is training up ready for his retirement years. Taz is my dog of a lifetime, and I can honestly say I don't think I would be here without him.

Meet Eddie

Eddie the adorable rescue has completed Julie’s happy family

Our daughter had been asking us to get a dog since she was young, and we finally gave in after losing both of our cats. When we got him, Eddie had already been named after the Jack Russell on the show Frasier, and it suited him so much we didn't change it.

He has the same amount of energy as he did when we first got him, always providing us with lots of laughter. His favourite activity is jumping up to catch the bubbles I blow for him. If I go into the cupboard they’re stored in, he gives a high pitched, excited bark and runs into the room. 

When I garden, he copies exactly what I’m doing

When I garden, he copies exactly what I’m doing. If I dig, he digs, which is often really useful, but if I prune, he grabs hold of the plant and pulls it out, which isn’t so ideal! When I’m watering the plants, he always jumps in front of me and tries to drink straight from the hose.

Eddie has so many more funny habits, like the way he barks at animals on the TV. It’s got to the point where I can't watch a nature programme unless he's asleep. He really is a funny, adorable and very unique dog.

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