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British Dogs

Meet Bailey

After a tough start in life, Bailey is enjoying lazing away his days with Paul and his partner

Master Bailey is such a delightful part of our small family. He’s a Patterdale/Jack Russell mix, or Patterjack for short. He can be extremely lazy when he wants to be, and loves to play with his chews but will not have anything to do with a ball. He used to have a favourite soft toy that he took everywhere with him when he was younger. It was just a little too big for him, but he still loved it.

Bailey loves his sleep – he would sleep for 14 hours a day if you didn't persuade him to get up. He loves to walk but rarely runs unless there's a chew thrown or another dog comes trotting by, especially if it’s a female. He's a bit of a ladies’ dog. He's also very observant and can be loud when he wants to be, particularly when it comes to strangers.

I love him with all my heart, and he knows it

Bailey had a harsh upbringing. The people who owned him didn't respect him and confined him to a cat carrier, instead of a crate. He didn't have any room to turn around and they said he was uncontrollable, which is why they kept him in very crammed conditions.

He was abused and taken up the yard and blasted with a water hose. Now, he hates violence and barks uncontrollably for it to stop, as he saw a lot of it before he came to us. But he's very loyal to me and his dad. I love him with all my heart, and he knows it.

Meet Dusty

For many years, Dusty has been an invaluable source of support for Heather’s son, despite his health challenges

Our eldest son, who is six now, was born with several medical conditions. Dusty has always seemed to know this. From a puppy, she was always next to Stanley. Stanley was unable to see for a significant time and Dusty would bring her ball and drop it into his hand so he could throw it for her. Then she’d chase it, bring it back to him and place it in his hand again.

Stanley was also born with complete weakness on his right side, so he struggled a little with his walking. So, Dusty would press herself against him to support him whilst he was going about his day-to-day business. When our youngest was born, Dusty became protective over him too, but she always knew Stanley needed a little more help.

She almost sees herself as a sibling to the boys

Thankfully, an operation back in March 2020 meant that Stanley’s vision was much improved. Old habits die hard though, so Dusty still treats him as though he has trouble seeing. She sleeps at the end of the bed. If he wakes up in the night, she guides him to the bathroom and back to bed. And if he rolls too close to the edge, she lies alongside him to keep him from falling out.

It seems like she almost sees herself as a sibling to the boys. She joins in with their games and follows them round. Quite often, she sits next to the play kitchen while they ‘cook’ her dinner, or helps them dig in the sandpit. She even follows them around in the sea on holiday! Then she rounds them up and she makes sure that nobody is left behind.

Dusty goes everywhere with us. As soon as we open the car door, she jumps straight in. She’s a best friend to both of our sons and our family wouldn’t be the same without her.

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Meet Zeus

Zeus has been through so much himself that he knows just how to help Sandra through the dark times.

My boy is amazing. Three years ago, he went for routine op and sadly became very ill and near death. Through all the treatment he had, he survived and stayed loving, and now we have diagnosed a haemophiliac dog.

That dog has saved my life

His life has changed, but he's the most loving, happy dog. Every day, I wake up to him wagging his tail because he’s so pleased to see me. He has helped me during the worst times – I lost my brother during lockdown and also had a heart op, but that dog has saved my life.

The strength he has to be happy and to go through so much being so ill means I couldn't wish for a better dog. He’s my life. Bless him.

Meet Sox

Sox’s funny quirks and boundless energy are an endless source of joy for Georgia and her family

Sox is such a positive influence in my family’s life. He’s a quirky little dog who manages to make friends with any species, whether that be dogs, people or highland cattle! He is best friends with some highland cattle calves, who always vocalise when they want to see him.

He is best friends with some highland cattle calves

Often Sox will bring his toys out around the house, but then refuses to give them up, turning it into a game of chase. He also likes to climb up onto his dad after his dinner, nip his earlobe after giving him tons of kisses, and then fall onto his back for cuddles as shown in his photo. Plus, he loves to cuddle and play about with his 14-year-old Collie-Lab brother, Max, who’s sometimes a bit grumpy with him.

Sox has this thing about crawling along the floor using one of his back legs to propel him forwards – he’s been doing this since we got him back in 2016! He’s a Lakeland Terrier crossed with a Jack Russell Terrier so he’s a bundle of energy and full of character. But we wouldn’t have him any other way.

Meet Ozzie

Whether he’s sunbathing, sleeping or showering her with good morning kisses, Ozzie has brought joy to every part of Abby’s life

I have struggled with my mental health for as long as I can remember, and nothing has done more for me than Ozzie. From the minute I wake up until the moment I fall asleep, he brings me so much joy.

Oz is a retired racing Greyhound and, after a lot of training, he's now got great recall and is allowed off lead. Nothing makes me happier than seeing his smiling face as he goes hurtling past me at 40mph with his helicopter tail spinning at full force.

Every morning I wake up to him in my bed (all 100lbs of him). As soon as he hears me say ‘Good morning!’, he attacks me with kisses and throws himself into the cockroach position so I can rub his belly.

From the minute I wake up until the moment I fall asleep, he brings me so much joy

He's obsessed with sunbathing, just like me, and will do it at any opportunity. Two degrees outside? As long as the sun’s, out Oz will be on his sun lounger soaking it up. Out for a walk? Who needs exercise when you can sunbathe!

One of his favourite ways to show affection is by ‘nitting’, where he uses just his front teeth to nibble at me when I'm stroking him. His favourite game is ‘smacky bum’ where I tap his bum like bongos and we chase each other round in circles.

Ozzie goes into a deep sleep about 50 times a day, usually with his mouth agape, tongue hanging out and legs twitching (presumably chasing cats in his dreams). I also suffer from endometriosis and whenever I'm having a flare up, he just knows. He sticks to me like velcro and follows me everywhere.

I could sit and write about him forever. He really is my best friend and has changed my life more than he'll ever know. He gives me a reason to get out of bed each day. I love Oz more than anything and would be totally lost without him.

Meet Luna

Luna has returned joy and exercise to the lives of Sasha and partner

We adopted Luna as a puppy from our local Dogs Trust in June 2021. She has completely changed our world for the better. My partner suffers with PTSD and having Luna in our lives has made the dark days bright. She gives us purpose, companionship, a reason to do more physical activity and of course, lots of laughter.

She’s made the dark days bright

Luna enjoys most things, but she especially loves swimming and playing football. On her walks she will always collect any plastic bottles she finds and carries them home to be put in the recycling bin.

She's so full of character and does a great job at an eye roll if you’re saying something uninteresting!

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