My female Greyhound, Arora, is my hero. We've had her for seven months now, and she's such a nervous dog. She’s getting there one step at a time, as my family and I are taking baby steps with her each day. She’s also been my rock. I have health issues, and very bad anxiety and depression too, so she's like my therapy dog. We both support and help each other day by day.
I got her from Birmingham RSPCA. As soon as I read her profile story and saw her face in the photos, I instantly cried and shouted out to both my parents: ‘That's my new dog!’. She's such a sweetheart – so loving and very adorable. She doesn't like dogs or cats, but she loves humans.
We both support and help each other day by day
I've taught her to pick her blankets up and move them from her bedroom to the living room. Her favourite toy is her teddy called Teddy. She dislikes balls, as she’s not a toy dog, and she's scared of flies for some reason. Sometimes Arora speaks – she can say ‘mom’ and her name! She loves having her photo taken and poses like a model. She hates spiders, and if she sees one, she stamps on it with her foot. She also won’t eat any dog food, so she only eats fresh fish and tinned fish.
Getting Arora was the best thing I ever did. She's my first ever dog and the best part of my life by far. She's also a huge part of my family. I haven't got any human children, but Arora is my baby and I love her to bits! She gets everything she wants, and she deserves it as a rescue dog.
Arlo is a beautiful four-month-old pup who was part of a litter of 10. They thought mummy dog had finished after nine, but out popped the runt, Arlo!
But out popped the runt, Arlo!
I’m currently training him to be an assistance dog with help and support from our local charity, Ability Dogs 4 Young People.
My life has been filled with laughter, love and slobbery kisses since we got Nova just over a year ago. She is the most affectionate dog I’ve ever met and always looks so happy.
Always looks so happy
She loves car rides, where she sits with her head and tongue sticking out of the window. She also enjoys doing zoomies in the park and diving headfirst onto the sofa. She is especially talented at giving the best hugs.
Sharing a bed with her can be quite a challenge, as she kicks out her hind legs to get comfy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Going on walks and chatting to her every day is my saving grace and a happiness that can’t be replaced.
My dog gave me my life back. I suffer from Anxiety and Depression and a few years ago, I couldn't speak and didn’t leave the house. My dad found an opportunity to train dogs for a charity, so I plucked up the courage and applied. A few months later a little eight-week-old Golden Retriever called Thelma came into our lives. She was a cute, golden ball of fluff who quickly melted our hearts. She is the best thing to ever happen to me.
Made our lives so much better!
Her smiley face and silly ways have brought us all so much joy. She alerts me when I'm having an anxiety attack by nudging me and giving me a cuddle, which really calms me down. This has helped me to leave the house on my own and find my voice again, because when I’m with her people don’t want to talk to me – it’s Thelma they’re interested in!
Thelma is the most happy, caring and loving dog you will ever meet, and she’ll always give you lots of kisses! She loves eating (who doesn't?) and helping people. She can pick things up for me, put things in the washer and out again and even does the dusting.
Everyone that meets her agrees she’s an amazing dog. Without her, I wouldn’t have a job or be where I am in life today. She’s changed my whole world and I couldn’t be without her.
As a puppy, Bailey taught himself how to open doors. Everywhere he went, be it the groomers, doggie day care or the vet, we had to remind them to lock the doors so he couldn’t escape. On one occasion, he had to go to the vets for an X-ray and, as they didn’t have a crate big enough for him, he was put in a consulting room to recover from the sedative. When he felt well enough to realise he had been left alone, he attempted to open the door and let himself out, but inadvertently caught the snib lock with this paw and locked himself in. The vet had to call the locksmith to come and release him!
Locked himself in
Gimli is our sixth rehomed dog, and has been with us nearly five years. He's a joy. He loves humans and always invites them to tickle his ears. He also loves playing with the dogs he sees regularly on his walks.
His dedication to sniffing when he's outside always reminds us of a reader with a very good book. My husband now calls his walks ‘going to the library’.
Gimli stops us being empty nesters
Gimli’s my constant companion. When I fractured my femur last June, we had to wait 10.5 hours for an ambulance. For all that time, he sat quietly and supportively by my side, near the fracture. When the ambulance team came, he welcomed them and stood back quietly as they manoeuvred me onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.
Our children have flown the nest now to have their own lives (rightly so), but Gimli stops us being empty nesters. He fills the house with fun and welcomes all the affection we used to give the children with genial appreciation.