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British Dogs

Meet Albert

Loveable pug Albert has stayed by Nicole’s side through thick and thin

When my partner died in 2015, my friends clubbed together to save enough money to cover the adoption fees for Albert.

Gaz and I had always dreamed of owning a black pug called Albert, so when he passed away, my friends knew that having a dog would be the only thing that could help me through. I saved him and he saved me.

He’s been by my side through the best and worst times of my life

I love Albert endlessly. He is the most devoted, loyal dog in the world. He knows when I’m sad and he’s happy when I’m happy.

I don’t know what I would ever do without me. He’s nine years old now and has been by my side through the worst and best times of my life.

Meet Mr Prince Bonangles

Wonder Pug Prince has given owner Kate six years of support – and sneezes!

Prince is my best friend and is just the greatest company. He was one of a litter of six, and we picked him because of his underbite, which we fell in love with!

He’s my best friend

Prince seems to instinctively know when you need a cuddle or cheering up, if you’d like a walk or just want to sit down. I got him after the death of my father six years ago, and he also was a huge comfort when my mother died this year.

Prince is a Pug who loves mountain walking and the beach. His personality is very human; he’s a mummy’s boy and loves a cuddle. He enjoys chasing birds and thinks he can catch them in the sky. He loves to eat (but luckily has never been into eating furniture or shoes!)

His best friend is our family dog Theo, a Bernese Mountain Dog. He also has the trick of sneezing on you when he’s very excited!

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Meet Ozzy

Sarah quit her office job to spend more time with Ozzy, and now he plays an integral role in her dog-walking business

Ozzy comes wherever I go! I am a dog walker and the reason I gave up my office job was to spend more time with Ozzy. We love our job. Ozzy is the foundation of our business as all new dogs have to meet him to determine their behaviour.

I 100% trust Ozzy to welcome every dog he meets. All the dogs we walk know him – the young ones cling to him, the boisterous ones stay away from and the older ones hang out with him.

Ozzy has been through so many failed relationships and house moves with me. He has been my rock. He knows when to comfort me and when to cheer me up. He will cuddle up to anyone in need.

He's my best friend, work colleague and a huge part of our family

He sat with my dad while he was poorly and comforted my mum when she was sad. All without any prompt. He is a fabulous judge of character. With children, he is so gentle. He knows if they are worried and will stay close but allow them to build their confidence.

One of Ozzy’s party tricks is that he moonwalks out of rooms as he’s not a fan of slippery floors. We’re still unsure why walking backwards works?! Also, he can be found drinking like a horse on a hot day, submerging his whole face in the water bowl – something he learnt from his brother (my horse)!

He's my best friend, work colleague and a huge part of our family. He really is the best dog ever.

Meet Milly

Christine is so proud of gentle Milly, who goes above and beyond for her fellow pets

Milly is so loving and friendly. I suffer with depression and she seems to know when I’m not feeling good and will come and put her head on my lap. She is also a real hero because she has donated blood to the pet blood bank on a regular basis since she was two years old – in September just gone she made her 16th donation!

She has donated blood since she was two

She loves holidays by the beach with her other half, Daisy, and she has lots of friends that come to our house for play days. She acts all brave when she thinks she has to, but in reality, she’s a big sissy and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Milly always greets people with one of her toys, although she does do a submissive wee wee at the same time, so I have to tell them to watch their feet! She also loves to swim in any water she comes across on our walks and likes to get very muddy, running through all the puddles.

Meet Iggy

Iggy’s love of fun and games makes every day a joy for Thomas’s family

Iggy is a Beagle cross who loves other dogs but can be a little shy with new people. She’s a typical beagle, mischievous and noisy – if you talk to Iggy she talks back. Her favourite pastimes are sniffing, digging, zoomies, playing ball, smothering her cat brother with kisses and stealing anything that will fit in her mouth and running away as fast as she can.

Iggy adores her family and squeals with joy whenever any of us come home, even if we’ve only been gone for five minutes. She can’t just wag her tail, she wags with her whole body. Iggy is very goofy, playful and always on the go, but she also appreciates a good nap with her blanket. It’s amazing how she can go from flat out galloping to fast asleep in the blink of an eye.

Iggy is the baby of our family and her big doughy puppy dog eyes and huge floppy ears make it impossible to be annoyed with her even when she’s being cheeky. To us Iggy is perfect and we love her very much flaws and all.

She can’t just wag her tail, she wags with her whole body

Meet Abbie

Abbie is Andrea’s fitness buddy and green-pawed assistant

Abbie is a beautiful dog with such a lovely temperament. She is the reason I exercise every day. With her by my side, I can walk for miles. My husband was chief walker until I started exercising for weight loss. Abbie keeps me focussed on my goal.

With her by my side, I can walk for miles

She is constantly fascinated with the veg I started growing last year. She’salso very friendly and enjoys regular cuddles with all the delivery drivers.

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