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British Dogs

Meet Ace

When Peter first brought him home, Ace was a little uncertain about life with his new family – but he soon settled right in.

We rescued Ace from a British-run dog home out in Cyprus. He was a street dog and had been found by a lovely Cypriot family, after being shot and left for dead by an unknown person. They took him to a vet who had to remove multiple pellets, and it was touch and go for a while. Luckily, he recovered well and they cared for him until he was fit and healthy. Then, they took him to the dog home so that he could find his forever family.

When Ace finally arrived in the UK, he was hungry, tired and scared after his long journey, but bribing him with some cooked chicken helped me to win him over! I brought him home and in the morning he met our two young children for the first time – and he was terrified. It took him a few days to venture out of his dog crate.

He now adores the children and his new home

After a month of being loved and treated like the prince that he is, Ace became braver and started going on walks with my wife and I when the kids were in bed. Almost two years on and he now adores the children and his new home with our family. We take him on lots of walks around the village, as well as further afield. He is a very loving and devoted dog, who likes nothing more than to snuggle on the sofa where he falls asleep instantly, snoring like a freight train!

He was named Ace by our eldest, who’s a six-year-old superhero fan. Apparently, in the original comics, Batman had a rescue dog named Ace! A perfect name for our perfect dog.

Meet Molly

With her faithful best friend Molly by her side, Carole could never feel lonely

Molly is a beautiful Pembroke Corgi, and my best friend. I’m 80 years old and live alone. Without Molly, I think I’d really struggle. She always sticks close and never leaves me alone – I even have to leave the bathroom dooropen when I shower so she can make sure I’m ok!

She gives me so much love and comfort

She gives me so much love and comfort, so I’m never lonely. I think she understands me when I talk to her. When we’re out walking, she greets everyone and expects them to give her a stroke, even if they’re a total stranger. Having Molly has certainly helped me make some new friends.

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Meet Hank

Hank has been mostly blind for his whole life, but he inspires Paige and her family every day with his unwaveringly upbeat personality

At a very young age, we discovered Hank was partially blind, with very little to no sight. Hanks has had multiple operations to attempt to correct his vision and many, many vet visits over his short life. He’s faced all his challenges head on, with resilience and positivity, and his tail is constantly wagging.

He makes us proud every day with how far he has come

Hank has exceeded all the expectations that we had for him. He loves his Wainwright walks off-lead, he loves to swim in the water and play with all his other doggy friends. He’s allowed us to see that no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome it with the right mindset and be just like everyone else.

He makes us proud every day with how far he has come and what a lovely natured boy he’s been throughout it all. He is a firm favourite at his vets, with the nurses continuously complimenting him on his outlook on life. He has quite a fan base! On our bad days, Hank allows us to see the positivity and keeps us going.

Meet Ginny

When Richard was at his lowest, he knew a dog could provide companionship – but Ginny has helped him more than he ever could have hoped.

A few years ago, I lost my wife to a battle with cancer. It had always been our dream to get a dog and so the following January, I went to my local rescue centre. My intention had always been to adopt a German Shepherd – but beautiful, brindled Ginny (who’s a Greyhound-Saluki cross) stole my heart. Two weeks later, she came to live with me.

She understands my sorrow

The amount she’s helped me to cope with the bereavement and loneliness is immeasurable. She makes me smile, she understands my sorrow and she makes friends wherever she goes.

She’s been quite the ambassador for rescue dogs, appearing on TV and in magazines as well as newspapers. She’s even been to local schools with me, to talk about pets and emotions. She really is the best companion I could ask for.

Meet Bruno

Bruno has been helping Rachel and her family heal after the tragic loss of their previous pup

Bruno is my whole life! In April 2020, at the beginning of Covid, we were lucky enough to become paw-rents to Barnum, our first Newfoundland. Our love for Barnum was instantaneous and we enjoyed watching him grow. But just after he celebrated his first birthday, he became ill with a large tumour in his liver. We had no choice but to put him to sleep. My heart broke.

I never imagined my heart would ever heal, or that I’d be able to be happy again. But in May 2021, Bruno was born. Sadly, his mum passed away from heart failure after a c-section, so he was hand reared, and I knew I would have to be an extra special mama to him.

Eight weeks later, he came to live with us in Scotland. My very broken heart was about to start healing. From the first moment I saw Bruno, I knew Barnum had sent him to help me heal. It was instant love, and it has grown every day.

Bruno is 22 months old now and is the most gentle and loving dog. He knows when I’m sad and he’s always there to make me happy. Even when I’m happy, he has the ability to make me happier. He has healed our hearts and makes us smile every day.

He’s the sweetest puppy, but he weighs in at 66kg, so his zoomies are something special, especially when he’s running over for a cuddle. He loves to kiss, cuddle and sit on our feet – or sometimes even our knees! He’s the biggest bundle of love and I love absolutely everything about him. His love is special – there are no words to describe it.

He has healed our hearts

Meet Indie

Lena struggled with Indie as a pup, but 13 years later, she’s more than happy she persevered with her

I rescued Indie when she was six months old. By then, we were already her third owners. She’s a Great Dane Labrador cross and she’s going to be 13 in April.

I’ve had many wonderful years with her

She was certainly a challenge and we shed a lot of tears. My husband at the time even wanted to rehome her. But she’s such a character and I’ve had many wonderful years with her since.

She’s one of seven dogs that I own currently. Six of them are rescues from Apollo’s Angels, which is a charity in Cyprus I’ve been involved in running for the last 10 years. We’ve now rehomed more than 1,200 abandoned hunting dogs from Cyprus to the UK. This July will be the charity’s 10th anniversary.

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